Glitter on Video

  • See our glitters sparkling on our YouTube channel.
  • Looking for some more great glitter projects? Be sure to check our Blog and also view tutorials on our YouTube channel.

Tips when Working with Glitter

  • Always cover your work area when working with glitter; spills are inevitable.
  • Take care of the environment - don’t wash excess glitter down the drain.
  • Use a glitter tray, paper plate, or large plain sheet of paper to catch any falling glitter. Create a funnel to get excess glitter back into the container.
  • Use a glitter clean up cloth, a glitter vacuum, or a lint roller.
  • Rolling tape around your fingers (sticky side out!) is a great way for small cleanups, too.
  • You can use glitter sealer or glue to "set" your glitter so it doesn't fall off.
  • Use a fine-tipped paint brush to brush aside excess glitter from your project area.
  • Don't touch your glitter until it's dry.